The pregnancy and birth indicators provide information on:
Additionally, the breastfeeding indicators describe:
This maternity in high impact areas indicators presents data on 6 maternity high impact areas:
Data to support good parental mental health is in the perinatal mental health profile as well as a report for all upper-tier local authorities about mental health in pregnancy and infants.
The child health indicators are the main indicators for a range of topics affecting the health and wellbeing of:
The information is available for each upper-tier local authority, regions and England. A snapshot child health profile 4-page report is available for each upper-tier local authority. These indicators give an overview of the health and wellbeing of children and young people and should:
The early years indicators offer information about the health of children aged 0 to 5 years including:
Additionally, there are early years supplementary indicators, including information on:
The early years high impact areas indicators present data on 6 early years high impact areas:
The school-age children indicators are about the health and wellbeing of school-age children including:
Additional indicators on these topics are also available by age:
Additionally, there are supplementary indicators related to the health of school age children which offer further indicators and age breakdowns.
The young people indicators include data on factors related to the health and wellbeing of young people, including reports on teenage pregnancy and young parents for local authorities. Topics covered include:
Additionally, there are supplementary indicators on the health and wellbeing of young people which offer further indicators and sex breakdowns.
The health behaviours in 15-year-olds indicators provide local authority level estimates for several topic areas, based on what 15-year-olds said about their attitudes to healthy lifestyles and risky behaviours (self-reported). These indicators are summarised for upper-tier local authorities in health behaviours in young people reports. These indicators are no longer updated.
The young people in high impact areas offers data for 6 school-age high impact areas:
The resources page offers a list of links and reports on child and maternal health topics.