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Public health profiles

Alcohol Profile
Data on alcohol and alcohol related conditions, including mortality and hospital admissions.
AMR local indicators - produced by the UKHSA
Data on antimicrobial prescribing, resistance and healthcare associated infections.
Atlas of Variation
Downloadable reports on variation in healthcare, health outcomes and risk factors.
Cancer Services
Data on cancer services, including diagnostic services, screening, two week wait referrals, emergency presentations and hospital admissions.
Cardiovascular Disease
Data on cardiovascular and cardiovascular related conditions, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes and kidney disease.
Child and Maternal Health
Data on pregnancy, birth, maternity and the health of children and young people.
Dementia Profile
Data on the provision of care for people with dementia.
Dental services
Data on NHS dental activity.
Data on the prevalence and determinants of diabetes, patient treatment and care and diabetes related complications.
GP profiles for patients
Data on primary care workforce, appointment times and patient satisfaction with GP services.
Health Protection
Data on a range of infections and related interventions, including vaccination coverage.
Inequality Tools
A suite of tools to examine health inequalities at England and local level.
Learning Disability Profiles
Data on the health and care of people with learning disabilities.
Liver Disease Profiles
Data on liver disease and related factors, including mortality and hospital admissions.
Local Authority Health Profiles
Data on the health of the population in each local authority in England.
Local health, public health data for small geographic areas
Data on demographic factors, wider determinants of health and health outcomes, published at a more granular level (MSOA, wards).
Mental Health
A collection of topic specific mental health profiles that support an intelligence driven approach to understand inequalities and for local areas to monitor trends and benchmark against similar populations.
Mortality Profile
Data on mortality from different conditions, including trends and preventable mortality.
Musculoskeletal health: local profiles
Data on a range of musculoskeletal conditions and the related risk factors.
National General Practice Profiles
Data on patient demographics, satisfaction with GP services, prevalence of common conditions and general practice achievement results.
NHS Health Check
Data on the delivery of the NHS Health Check programme.
Obesity Profile
Data is presented to help understand and monitor the patterns and trends in adult and child obesity at national, regional, and local levels in England.
Palliative and End of Life Care Profiles
Data on end of life care, including place and underlying cause of death.
Physical Activity
Data on physical activity and conditions for which the lack physical activity is a known risk factor.
Public Health Outcomes Framework
Data on a range of topics relevant to the improvement of healthy life expectancy and the reduction of health disparities between communities.
Respiratory disease
Data on the prevalence of and mortality from respiratory diseases, including COPD, asthma, pneumonia and bronchiolitis.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Profiles
Data on a range of topics, including teenage pregnancy, abortions, contraception, HIV, sexually transmitted infections and sexual offences.
Smoking Profile
Data on the extent of smoking, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level.
TB Strategy Monitoring Indicators
Data on TB incidence and monitoring.
Data on eye health, including risk factors, outpatient vision attendances and procedures as well as sight loss outcomes.
Wider Determinants of Health
Data on a range of social, economic and environmental factors which impact on people’s health.