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March 2024

New data from the 2021/22 and 2022/23 National Diabetes Audit has been added to the profile. This includes data for demographic breadkowns, care processes, treatment targets and structured education. Data for Integrated Care Boards is now available.

Data for CCGs, STPs and Regions is still available but is not as up-to-date as other geographies due to it not being included in the most recent releases. It is still available to allow access to the trend for areas that have changed upon the introduction of Integrated Care Boards.

January 2023

The Diabetes Foot Care indicators have been updated to include data from 2018/19 - 2020/21.

New data from the 2020/21 National Diabetes audit has been added to the profile. 

January 2022

Correction: An error in counting the number of amputation procedures was identified in the December 2021 update of the Diabetes Foot Care Profiles. This led to an undercount of both major and minor amputations procedures across all geographies. The impact was most notable for counts of minor amputation. The corrected data was uploaded on 13/01/2022.

December 2021

The Diabetes Foot Care indicators have been updated to include data from 2017/18 - 2019/20.

New data from the 2019/20 National Diabetes audit has been added to the profile. 

November 2020

The Diabetes Foot Care Profiles have been updated to include data from 2016/17 - 2018/19.

April 2019 update of the major and minor amputations indicators (2015/16 - 2017/18) has been re-issued after a coding error in the National Diabetes Audit data that supports these indicators was identified.

May 2020

New data from the 2018/19 National Diabetes Audit has been included in the diabetes profile. Please note, we have not been able to update the complications domain indicators at this time, as this year’s published data does not include comparable information. We will attempt to source and provide this information in the future.

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing response to the COVID-19 outbreak, resources and priorities within the National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network have had to be reallocated. As a result, we have not been able to provide the planned update to the Diabetes Foot Care Profiles. We are working on an interim solution to make updated information of amputations and hospital stays for diabetic foot care available, in a different format, as soon as possible. Please email if you would like to be kept up to date with this issue. 

May 2019

STP level foot care activity data added to the site, covering the period 2015/16 to 2017/18.

April 2019

The Diabetes Foot Care Activity Profiles have been updated to include data from 2015/16 - 2017/18.

New CCG level PDF reports are available via the area selection tool on the left (select a region and click download report).

Updated diabetic foot care indicator data can also be accessed by clicking 'Start - go to the data' and navigating to the foot care activity domain.

January 2019

New data from the 2017/18 National Diabetes Audit has been included in the diabetes profile

December 2018

New data from the 2017/18 Quality Outcomes Framework has been included in the diabetes profile

Removal of the Healthier Lives profiles

On December 4th 2018 the Healthier Lives profile for diabetes was removed and their web address redirected to this diabetes fingertips profile. This decision was taken based on work conducted within the Health Improvement Directorate which highlighted the significant level of duplication that existed between the two resources, but with less functionality available for users in the former.

June 2018

STP level foot care activity data added to the site, covering the period 2014/15 to 2016/17.

May 2018

The Diabetes Foot Care Activity Profiles have been updated to include data from 2014/15 - 2016/17.

New CCG level PDF reports are available via the area selection tool on the left (select a region and click download report).

Updated foot care indicator data can also be accessed by clicking 'Start - go to the data' and navigating to the foot care activity domain


Additional information on the achievement of care process has been added to the CCG level diabetes profiles, which are part of the wider NCVIN CVD Profiles.

February 2017

The estimated prevalence of diabetes (undiagnosed and diagnosed) indicator has been updated to use 2017 registered populations.  


Demographic indicators (age, sex, ethnicity) taken from the 2016-17 National Diabetes Audit have been added the site.


Updated risk of CVD complications and mortality indicators, from report 2 of the 2016-17 National Diabetes Audit, have been added to the site. 


The CCG level diabetes profiles, which are part of the wider NCVIN CVD Profiles, have been made available via the new reports tab on this site. 


December 2017

CCG and GP level data from the National Diabetes Audit (Report 1 Care Processes and Treatment Targets 2016-17) added to the site.


November 2017

STP level foot care activity data added to the site.


September 2017

PDF foot care activity profiles and CCG level foot care activity data added to the site.


June 2017

Indicators updated from the 2015/16 NDA report 1

Treatment targets domain

  • Data by Diabetes type added

Care processes domain

  • Data by Diabetes type added


June 2011

First version released