Mortality Profile


Monitoring trends in mortality is central to understanding the health of our population.

This profile provides trends in mortality rates for a wide range of causes of death, allowing outcomes to be easily compared. Rates for sub-national geographies allow comparisons between areas.

Rates are provided using 3-year moving averages and single year (where appropriate) time periods, and are presented in topic-related domains such as 'Cancer' and 'Cardiovascular disease'.

Latest statistical commentaries

These are links to the most recent statistical commentaries for updates to the Mortality Profile:

Mortality profile commentary: November 2024

Information on previous releases can be found here: Mortality profile - GOV.UK

Revisions to mid-2022 population estimates

In the November 2024 release of the Mortality Profile, 2022 data for all geographies (excluding ICBs and NHS regions) have been revised to use updated mid-2022 population estimates produced by the Office for National Statistics, to account for updated estimates of international migration for England and Wales. 

The resultant revisions to rates are very small and do not introduce any meaningful changes to results previously presented.

Mid-2022 populations for small geographical areas (which are used to calculate data at ICB and NHS region level) will be revised at a later date, and population revisions will be accounted for in a future update of the Mortality Profile.

Next update

TBC: Update of ICB and NHS region data

Contact us

For enquiries or feedback relating to the Mortality Profile, email