4 March 2025
Annual update of sexual and reproductive health profile indicators for reproductive health including contraceptive prescribing and hospital admissions related to fertility. A statistical commentary on the latest data has also been published.
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County and UA areas have been updated to include 2023 data for HIV and contraception. All other indicators have not been updated, with the most recent published data reported.
Please be aware that, due to geographical boundary changes to upper tier local authorities (UTLAs), SPLASH reports for Cumberland, Westmoreland and Furness, North Yorkshire UA, Somerset UA, North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire, the updated reports may not present data for all indicators and reflect available data at the time of publication.
The updated reports are available in the ‘Reports’ section of the profiles. Previous years’ reports are also available.
Correction notice (2 October 2024)
A calculation error affecting rates has been identified and corrected for the following three HIV indicators:
- New HIV diagnoses among persons first diagnosed in the UK rate per 100,000
- HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000 aged 15 to 59
- HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000
Data for counts and denominators in the above indicators were not affected. All other indicators were also unaffected.
1 October 2024
All HIV indicators have been updated with the most recent 2023 data. The back series data have also been revised to reflect laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning mean that data for earlier years may differ from previous publications. Mid-2022 population estimates have been used and applied to all years, which may also cause differences from previous publications.
There is one new HIV testing indicator added in the HIV Topic area:
- HIV testing rate per 100,000 population
STI Topic area: A data quality issue has been identified in the South West region in City of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire affecting 2021, 2022 and 2023 data for the following two indicators:
- STI testing rate (exclude chlamydia aged under 25) per 100,000
- STI testing positivity (excluding chlamydia aged under 25)
Further details on the data quality note added is available in the Definitions view.
Correction notice (August 2024)
Data for the under 16s conception rate indicator for calendar years 2011 to 2021 for North Yorkshire and Somerset unitary authorities has been revised to fix an error. Data for all other areas was unaffected.
6 August 2024
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County and UA areas have been updated to include 2023 data for STIs and 2022/2023 data for under-18 births. Back series data for under-18 and under-16 conception rate have been revised due to population updates, in line with data published on the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Profiles. All other indicators have not been updated, with the most recent published data reported.
Please be aware that, due to geographical boundary changes to upper tier local authorities (UTLAs), SPLASH reports for Cumberland, Westmoreland & Furness, North Yorkshire UA, Somerset UA, North Northamptonshire and West Northamptonshire may not present data for all indicators and reflect available data at the time of publication.
This is an interim update and will be replaced with a full report refresh in early 2025. The interim update reports are available in the ‘Reports’ section of the SRH Profiles. Previous years’ reports are also available.
4 June 2024
All STI indicators have been updated with the most recent 2023 data. The back series data have also been revised to reflect laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning mean that data for earlier years may differ from previous publications. Mid-2022 population estimates have been used and applied to all years, which may also cause differences from previous publications.
8 May 2024
The following indicators have been updated with the most recent data:
- Ectopic pregnancy admissions rate / 100,000
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admissions rate / 100,000
- Under 18s conception rate / 1,000 (revised the back series due to population updates)
- Under 16s conception rate / 1,000 (revised the back series due to population updates)
- Under 18s births rate / 1,000
The following STI indicator has been updated with the most recent 2023 data:
- Sexually transmitted Shigella spp. per 100,000 adult male population
The back series data have also been revised to reflect laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning mean that data for earlier years may differ from previous publications. Mid-2022 population estimates have been used and applied to all years, which may also cause differences from previous publications.
Correction notice (03 April 2024)
The data for the following indicators for 2016 to 2022 have been updated on 3 April 2024, to fix errors that are detailed below:
- Total prescribed long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) excluding injections rate
- GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate
- Women prescribed progesterone only pill in GP practices rate
- Women prescribed short acting combined hormonal contraception in GP practices rate
- Women prescribed injectable contraception in GP practices rate
Total prescribed long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) excluding injections rate - errors were found in the count and denominator data for all local authorities. Data for regions, England and inequalities by decile of deprivation was unaffected.
GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate - errors were found in the denominator data for all local authorities and for inequalities by decile of deprivation. Data for regions and England was unaffected.
Women prescribed progesterone only pill in GP practices rate - errors were found in both the count and denominator data for all local authorities and for inequalities by decile of deprivation. Data for regions and England was unaffected.
Women prescribed short acting combined hormonal contraception in GP practices rate - errors were found in the denominator data for inequalities by decile of deprivation. Data for regions, local authorities and England was unaffected.
Women prescribed injectable contraception in GP practices rate - errors were found in the denominator data for inequalities by decile of deprivation. Data for regions, local authorities and England was unaffected.
6 February 2024
Indicators in the Reproductive Health domain have been updated with the most recent data on contraceptive prescriptions.
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County and UA areas have been updated to include the most recent data available for each indicator. The reports are available in the ‘Reports’ section. Previous years’ reports also remain available.
3 October 2023
All HIV indicators have been updated to include 2022 data. Revision of previously published data to reflect clinic or laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning mean that data for earlier years may differ from previous publications.
Note: 2021 and 2022 data has used the new population estimates based on the 2021 Census. Years prior to this used the population estimates which were originally based on the 2011 Census. Revised populations for years prior to 2021 have not yet been published by ONS, therefore any comparisons between 2021 and the earlier time periods should be treated with caution.
HIV data is updated to recent local authority boundaries valid from April 2023, which can be found in 'Geography version' drop-down list:
- Counties & UAs (from Apr 2023)
- Districts & UAs (from Apr 2023)
5 September 2023
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County and UA areas have been updated to include the 2022 data for STIs. Other indicators use 2021 data.
This is an interim update and will be replaced with a full report refresh at the start of 2024. The interim update reports are available in the ‘Reports’ section. Previous years’ reports also remain available
6 June 2023
All STI indicators have been updated to include 2022 data. Revision of previously published data to reflect clinic or laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning mean that data for earlier years may differ from previous publications.
There is one new STI indicator added in the STI Topic area:
- 93994 – Sexually transmitted Shigella spp. per 100,000 adult male population
Note: 2021 and 2022 data has used the new population estimates based on the 2021 Census. Years prior to this used the population estimates which were originally based on the 2011 Census. Revised populations for years prior to 2021 have not yet been published by ONS, therefore any comparisons between 2021 and the earlier time periods should be treated with caution.
STI data are updated to recent local authority boundaries valid from April 2023, which can be found in 'Geography version' drop-down list:
- Counties & UAs (from Apr 2023)
- Districts & UAs (from Apr 2023)
3 May 2023
The following indicators have been updated with the most recent data:
- Ectopic pregnancy admissions rate / 100,000
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admissions rate / 100,000
- Under 18s conception rate / 1,000
- Under 18s conceptions leading to abortion (%)
- Under 16s conception rate / 1,000
- Under 18s births rate / 1,000
Note: impact of updated mid-year population estimates on Fingertips indicators
See latest news on the Fingertips home page for details
7 February 2023
The following indicators have been updated with the most recent data:
- Total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate *
- SRH services prescribed LARC excluding injections rate *
- GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate *
- Over 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH services
- Under 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH services
- Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 – Males *
- Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Females *
- Abortions under 10 weeks that are medical
- Over 25s abortion rate
- Under 25s abortion after a birth
- Under 18s abortions rate
- Abortions under 10 weeks
- Total abortion rate
- Under 25s repeat abortions
- New indicator - Women prescribed injectable contraception at SRH services: rate per 1,000
- New indicator - Women prescribed short-acting combined hormonal contraception at SRH services: rate per 1,000
- New indicator - Women prescribed injectable contraception in GP practices: rate per 1,000
- New indicator - Women prescribed short-acting combined hormonal contraception in GP practices: rate per 1,000
- New indicator - Women prescribed progesterone only pill at SRH services: rate per 1,000
- New indicator - Women prescribed progesterone only pill in GP practices: rate per 1,000
*2021 data has used the new populations estimates based on the 2021 Census. Years prior to this used the population estimates which were originally based on the 2011 Census. Revised populations for years prior to 2021 have not yet been published by ONS, therefore any comparisons between 2021 and the earlier time periods should be treated with caution. Revised rates for earlier time periods will be produced once the back series of population has been made available.
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County / UA areas have also been updated and are now available in the ‘Reports’ section. Indicators in the reports have been updated to the latest data available (2021 for most indicators).
6 December 2022
Revised HIV indicators relating to new diagnoses, late diagnoses and HIV care and outcomes due to data processing errors in 1) country and region totals 2) total number of people in care 3) allocation of residence.
There are two new indicators added in the HIV Topic area:
- 93929 - Determining pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) need
- 93928 - Initiation or continuation of PrEP among those with PrEP need
6 October 2022
An error in data processing has been identified resulting in a small underestimation of the total number of people accessing HIV care in 2021. This mainly impacts the following indicators in the North West of England:
- 90790 - HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000 aged 15 to 59
- 93786 - HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000
- 93788 - Antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage in people accessing HIV care
- 93550 - Virological success in adults accessing HIV care
All affected HIV indicators will be updated by 1 December 2022 to correct this.
4 October 2022
All STI and HIV indicators have been updated to include 2021 data. Revision of previously published data to reflect clinic or laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning mean that data for earlier years may differ from previous publications.
There are two new STI indicators added in the STI Topic area of the SRH profiles:
- 93760 - Mycoplasma genitalium diagnostic rate per 100,000
- 93761 - Trichomoniasis diagnostic rate per 100,000
Given the changes in the National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP), the RAG benchmarking has been removed from the following indicator. Please see the indicator metadata and the summary of changes to the NCSP PHOF DRI benchmarking for more information.
- 90776 - Chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 (persons) (PHOF D02a)
Five HIV late diagnoses indicators have been modified by removing i) those with evidence of an early diagnosis (which can temporarily lead to a reduced CD4 count value) from numerator ii) those with a previous diagnosis abroad (for whom a late diagnoses in the UK may not have been avoidable) from the numerator and denominator. The effect of this change is that the proportion of late diagnoses will have decreased slightly. The following indicators are affected.
- 90791 - HIV late diagnosis in people first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
- 93542 - HIV late diagnosis in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
- 93543 - HIV late diagnosis in heterosexual men first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
- 93544 - HIV late diagnosis in heterosexual and bisexual women first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
- 93545 - HIV late diagnosis in people who inject drugs first diagnosed with HIV in the UK
The following HIV and STI indicators have been changed to include a population denominator of all ages for consistency and to allow comparisons between indicators.
HIV indicators (previously used a population denominator aged 15 years and over):
- 91818 - New HIV diagnosis rate per 100,000
- 93787 - New HIV diagnoses among persons first diagnosed in the UK rate per 100,000
- 93786 - HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000 population
- 93788 - Antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage in people accessing HIV care
- 93550 - Virological success in people accessing HIV care
- 93546 - Prompt antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation in people newly diagnosed with HIV
STI indicators (previously used a population denominator aged 15 to 64 years):
- 91306 - New STI diagnoses (excluding chlamydia aged under 25) per 100,000
- 91307 - STI testing rate (excluding chlamydia aged under 25) per 100,000
- 91308 - STI testing positivity (excluding chlamydia aged under 25)
3 May 2022
The following indicators in the Reproductive Health and Teenage Pregnancy topics have been updated with the most recent data:
- Ectopic pregnancy admissions rate
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admissions rate
- Under 18s conceptions rate
- Under 16s conceptions rate
- Under 18s conceptions leading to abortion (%)
- Under 18s birth rate
1 March 2022
The following two STI indicators have been updated due to a correction to the number of donovanosis diagnoses in England for the 2019 data.
- 91306 – New STI diagnoses (excluding chlamydia aged under 25) per 100,000
- 91523 – All new STI diagnosis rate per 100,000
1 February 2022
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County/UA (2020/21) areas have been updated and are now available in the ‘Reports’ section. All indicators in the reports have been updated to the latest data available.
11 January 2022
The National Chlamydia Screening Programme (NCSP) changed to focus on reducing the harms from untreated chlamydia infection. Given the changes in programme aim the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) benchmarking thresholds have been revised and will be measured against females only from 2022. Please see the following indicators’ definitions note for more information.
- 90776 Chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 (PHOF D02a)
- 91514 Chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 (Male) (PHOF D02a)
- 91514 Chlamydia detection rate per 100,000 aged 15 to 24 (Female) (PHOF D02a)
More details can be found in the summary of changes to the NCSP PHOF DRI benchmarking.
1 December 2021
All 17 HIV indicators have been updated to include 2020 data and revision of previously published data to reflect clinic or laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
Three of these HIV indicators are new:
- HIV diagnosed prevalence rate per 1,000 population aged 15 years and over
- New HIV diagnoses among persons first diagnosed in the UK rate per 100,000 aged 15 years and over
- Antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage in adults accessing HIV care (%)
HIV data are updated to recent local authority boundaries valid from April 2021, which can be found in 'Geography version' drop-down list:
- Counties & UAs (from Apr 2021)
- Districts & UAs (from Apr 2021)
2nd November 2021
The following indicators in the Reproductive Health and Teenage Pregnancy domains have been updated with the most recent data:
- Total abortion rate
- Under 18s abortions rate
- Over 25s abortion rate
- Abortions under 10 weeks that are medical
- Abortions under 10 weeks
- Under 25s repeat abortions
- Under 25s abortion after a birth
- Total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate
- SRH services prescribed LARC excluding injections rate
- Women choose hormonal short-acting contraceptives at SRH services
- Women choose user-dependent methods at SRH services
- Women choose injections at SRH services
- Under 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH services
- Over 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH services
- GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate
- Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Females
- Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Males
- Under 18 conception rate
- Under 16 conception rate
- Under 18 conceptions leading to abortion
7 September 2021
All 14 STI indicators relating to GUMCAD and CTAD data have been updated to include 2020 data. Previously published data have also been revised due to clinic and laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publication.
Two of these STI indicators have been modified to better reflect the benefit of STI screening at person level:
- STI testing positivity (excluding chlamydia aged <25) %
- STI testing rate (excluding chlamydia aged <25) / 100,000
STI data are updated to recent local authority boundaries valid from April 2021, which can be found in 'Area type' drop-down list:
- County & UA
- District & UA
Further selection of provisional STI data up to March 2021 are available from the Wider Impacts of Covid-19 on Health (WICH) monitoring tool.
5 May 2021
The following indicators have been updated with the most recent data:
- Ectopic pregnancy admissions rate
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admissions rate
- Under 18s birth rate
2 February 2021
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for County/UA (4/19 - 3/20) areas have been updated and are now available in the ‘Reports’ section. All indicators in the reports have been updated to the latest data available (2019 for most indicators).
The following indicators in the Reproductive Health domain have been updated to 2019:
Total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
SRH Services prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
Under 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH Services (%)
Over 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH Services (%)
Women choose injections at SRH Services (%)
Women choose user-dependent methods at SRH Services (%)
Women choose hormonal short-acting contraceptives at SRH Services (%)
Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Females
Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Males
1 December 2020
An error was identified for 2 HIV indicators where the allocation of residence was assigned to area of care instead of actual residence for a small proportion of records. This mainly affected a few local authorities in London but some areas outside London were also affected to a lesser extent. This has been updated for the following affected HIV indicators:
- HIV diagnosed prevalence rate / 1,000 aged 15-59
- Virological success in adults accessing HIV care (%)
3 November 2020
All HIV indicators, including HIV testing coverage, have been updated to include 2019 data and revision of previously published data to reflect clinic/laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
The following indicators covering abortions have also been updated:
- Total abortion rate
- Under 18s abortion rate
- Under 25s abortions after a birth
- Under 25s repeat abortions
- Over 25s abortion rate
- Abortions under 10 weeks
- Abortions under 10 weeks that are medical
All data are updated to recent local authority boundaries valid from April 2020, which can be found in 'Area type' drop-down list:
- County & UA
- District & UA
2 September 2020
All STI indicators relating to GUMCAD and CTAD data have been updated to include 2019 data. Previously published data have also been revised due to clinic/laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publication.
STI data are updated to recent local authority boundaries valid from April 2020, which can be found in 'Area type' drop-down list:
- County & UA
- District & UA
5 May 2020
The following indicators have been updated with the most recent data:
Note: An error was identified for indicators based on hospital episode statistics (HES) data which gave misleading results for areas within the South East region and East Sussex. Affected areas have been suppressed or flagged to be treated with caution. Full details can be found in the caveats section of the descriptive metadata for each affected indicator.
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) admissions
- Ectopic pregnancy admissions
- Under 18s birth rate
- Under 18 conceptions
- Under 18 conceptions: conceptions in those aged under 16
- Under 18s conceptions leading to an abortion
14 January 2020
Summary Profiles of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) have been updated to include the following maps:
- chlamydia detection rate in 15 to 24 year olds
- diagnosed HIV prevalence
- teenage conception
5 November
The following indicators have been updated to 2018:
Total abortion rate / 1,000
Under 25s repeat abortions (%)
Under 25s abortions after a birth (%)
Over 25s abortion rate / 1,000
Abortions under 10 weeks (%)
Abortions under 10 weeks that are medical (%)
Total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
SRH Services prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
Under 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH Services (%)
Over 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH Services (%)
Women choose injections at SRH Services (%)
Women choose user-dependent methods at SRH Services (%)
Women choose hormonal short-acting contraceptives at SRH Services (%)
Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Females
Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Males
1 October
The 'new HIV diagnosis rate / 100,000 aged 15+' indicator has been updated with corrected numbers of new HIV diagnoses in 2018. This was due to issues relating to the processing of data which has now been rectified.
The Summary Profile of Local Authority Sexual Health (SPLASH) report for county/UA areas are now available in the ‘download’ section.
Please note: SPLASH reports were run with data published in 3 September and does not reflect the changes in HIV data made on 1 October.
3 September
All HIV indicators have been updated to include 2018 data and revision of previously published data to reflect clinic/laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
New HIV indicators have been added:
- HIV late diagnosis (%) by 4 separate risk groups (MSM, heterosexual men, heterosexual women and people who inject drugs)
- Prompt ART initiation in people newly diagnosed with HIV (%)
- Virological success in adults accessing HIV care (%)
4 June
The following indicator has been updated to 2017:
Under 18s conceptions leading to abortion (%)
All STI and HIV testing indicators relating to GUMCAD and CTAD data have been updated to include 2018 data. Previously published data have also been revised due to clinic/laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
Important note: contraception indicators
A number of providers in England either completely or partially did not identify local authority of residence in their SRHAD submission, so the relevant activity is excluded from local authority and PHE Centre level analysis.
8 May
The following indicators have been updated to 2017:
Under 18s conception rate / 1,000 (PHOF indicator 2.04)
Under 16s conception rate / 1,000 (PHOF indicator 2.04)
4 December
The following indicators have been updated to 2017:
Total prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
GP prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
SRH Services prescribed LARC excluding injections rate / 1,000
Under 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH Services (%)
Over 25s choose LARC excluding injections at SRH Services (%)
Women choose injections at SRH Services (%)
Women choose user-dependent methods at SRH Services (%)
Women choose hormonal short-acting contraceptives at SRH Services (%)
Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Females
Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate / 1000 - Males
2 October
Proportion of TB cases offered an HIV test (TB Strategy Monitoring Indicators) update to 2017.
7 September
The new HIV diagnosis rate and late HIV diagnosis (PHOF 3.04) indicators have now been updated with corrected data.
4 September
IMPORTANT UPDATE: New HIV diagnosis rate and late HIV diagnosis (PHOF 3.04) indicators have been removed temporarily due to data errors. These will be updated with corrected data as soon as possible.
All HIV indicators updated to include 2017 data and revision of previously published data to reflect clinic/laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
7 August 2018
Total abortion rate/1,000, Under 18s abortion rate/1,000 and Over 25s abortion rate/1,000 updated to 2017. 2012-2016 revised due to ONS population revisions.
Under 25s repeat abortions (%), Under 25s abortion after a birth (%), Abortions under 10 weeks (%), Abortions under 10 weeks that are medical (%) updated to 2017.
5 June 2018
All STI and HIV testing indicators relating to GUMCAD and CTAD data updated – to include 2017 data and revision of previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
Under 18 births rate/1,000 - updated to 2016 and includes revision of data from 2012-2015 to incorporate revisions to population estimates.
1 May 2018
Teenage conception indicators updated to 2016.
Population vaccination coverage - HPV vaccination coverage for one dose (females 12-13 years old) (PHOF indicator 3.03xii) updated to 2016/17.
Sexual offences rate / 1,000 (PHOF indicator 1.12iii) updated to 2016/17.
Under 18s admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions updated to 2014/15 - 16/17 (three years pooled).
Under 16s in poverty (%) (PHOF indicator 1.01ii) updated to 2015.
6 March 2018
Pelvic inflammatory disease admissions rate and ectopic pregnancy admissions rate indicators updated to 2016/17.
A new indicator 'Under 25s individuals attend specialist contraceptive services rate', has been added for 2014-2016 for males and females separately.
Infectious diseases in pregnancy screening – HIV coverage (PHOF indicator 2.20vii) updated to 2016/17.
5 December 2017
Proportion of TB cases offered an HIV test (TB Strategy Monitoring) indicator updated to 2016 and all previous years updated using most recent TB notification dataset.
16 November 2017
An error has been detected and 2016 data removed for 2 related contraception indicators: SRH services prescribed LARC and Total prescribed LARC. The revised versions will be released 5 December.
7 November 2017
All contraception indicators updated to 2016
3 October 2017
HIV indicators updated to include 2016 data and revision of previously published data to reflect clinic/laboratory resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
1 August 2017
Abortion indicators updated to 2016 (Note: i) reflects small adjustments that the Dept of Health will shortly make to their online abortion statistics ii) abortions over 10 weeks that are medical indicator considered less useful so has been removed). Pupil absence indicator updated to 2015/16. First time entrants to youth justice system indicator updated to 2016.
4 July 2017
Pelvic inflammatory disease and ectopic pregnancy admissions indicators updated to 2015-16 and England totals 2008-09 to 2014-15 revised to include records not assigned an area of residence.
15 June 2017
All STI and HIV testing indicators relating to GUMCADv2 and CTAD data update – to include 2016 data and revision of previously published data to reflect resubmissions and improvements to data cleaning. Therefore, data may differ from previous publications.
Under 18s admission episodes for alcohol-specific conditions – revised definition (admissions rather than person-based), extended trend data and update to 2013/14-2015/16 (three financial years pooled).
New functions added to the tool:
- Inequalities view for some indicators
- England view
- Population pyramid view
- Box plot view
- ‘Combined authorities’ groups added to the ‘Areas grouped by’ – some local authorities are grouped into 9 combined authorities in England