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This page presents information about trends in indicators related to mental health and wellbeing.

Table of contents

High anxiety prevalence

Persons, 16+ years

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2011/12 23.9 23.0 24.7 21.7
2012/13 22.5 21.7 23.3 21.0
2013/14 20.7 19.9 21.4 20.0
2014/15 19.4 18.6 20.1 19.3
2015/16 20.0 19.1 20.8 19.4
2016/17 20.8 20.0 21.6 19.9
2017/18 21.2 20.3 22.1 20.0
2018/19 21.0 20.1 22.0 19.7
2019/20 22.4 21.4 23.4 21.9
2020/21 23.7 22.5 24.9 24.1
2021/22 23.8 22.5 25.0 22.6
2022/23 23.7 22.3 25.1 23.3

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View high anxiety prevalence data.

View the high anxiety prevalence definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The line chart shows the percentage of people reporting high levels of anxiety. The proportion in London changed from 23.9% in the financial year ending 2012 to 23.7% in the financial year ending 2023.

Low happiness prevalence

Persons, 16+ years

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2011/12 11.0 10.4 11.6 10.7
2012/13 10.3 9.7 10.9 10.3
2013/14 9.5 8.9 10.1 9.6
2014/15 8.4 7.8 8.9 8.9
2015/16 8.3 7.7 8.8 8.8
2016/17 7.8 7.2 8.3 8.5
2017/18 7.9 7.3 8.5 8.2
2018/19 7.3 6.8 7.9 7.8
2019/20 8.4 7.8 9.1 8.8
2020/21 8.3 7.5 9.1 9.2
2021/22 8.6 7.8 9.5 8.4
2022/23 9.1 8.1 10.1 8.8

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View low happiness prevalence data.

View the low happiness prevalence definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The line chart shows the percentage of people reporting low levels of happiness. The proportion in London decreased from 11.0% in the financial year ending 2012 to 9.1% in the financial year ending 2023.

Mental health conditions prevalence

Persons, all ages

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2012/13 1.03 1.02 1.03 0.84
2013/14 1.05 1.04 1.05 0.86
2014/15 1.07 1.06 1.08 0.88
2015/16 1.08 1.08 1.09 0.90
2016/17 1.10 1.10 1.11 0.92
2017/18 1.11 1.11 1.12 0.94
2018/19 1.12 1.12 1.13 0.96
2019/20 1.10 1.09 1.10 0.93
2020/21 1.11 1.10 1.11 0.95
2021/22 1.11 1.10 1.11 0.95
2022/23 1.14 1.13 1.15 1.00
2023/24 1.11 1.11 1.12 0.96

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View mental health conditions prevalence data.

View the mental health conditions prevalence definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: NHS England, Quality and Outcomes Framework

The line chart shows the percentage of patients with schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder and other psychoses recorded on practice disease register. The proportion in London increased from 1.03% in the financial year ending 2013 to 1.11% in the financial year ending 2024.

Hospital admissions for self-harm, ages 10 to 24 years

Persons, 10-24 years

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2011/12 193 187 200 347
2012/13 198 191 205 349
2013/14 221 214 229 415
2014/15 197 190 204 401
2015/16 202 195 209 429
2016/17 190 184 197 405
2017/18 202 195 210 419
2018/19 189 182 196 442
2019/20 185 178 192 436
2020/21 206 199 213 421
2021/22 229 222 237 427
2022/23 159 153 166 319
2023/24 126 120 131 267

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View hospital admissions for self-harm, ages 10 to 24 years data.

View the hospital admissions for self-harm, ages 10 to 24 years definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: OHID, based on NHS England and Office for National Statistics data

The line chart shows the rate of hospital admissions for intentional self-harm in people aged 10 to 24. The directly standardised rate in London decreased from 193 per 100,000 in the financial year ending 2012 to 126 per 100,000 in the financial year ending 2024.

Emergency hospital admissions for self-harm

Persons, all ages

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2010/11 112.2 109.9 114.6 197.6
2011/12 107.3 105.1 109.6 197.2
2012/13 102.3 100.1 104.5 189.4
2013/14 105.4 103.2 107.7 205.4
2014/15 95.7 93.6 97.8 192.6
2015/16 92.8 90.8 94.9 195.9
2016/17 83.4 81.5 85.4 184.5
2017/18 82.8 80.9 84.8 184.5
2018/19 82.7 80.7 84.6 194.8
2019/20 80.7 78.8 82.6 191.2
2020/21 82.3 80.4 84.3 180.4
2021/22 79.8 78.0 81.7 163.7
2022/23 58.5 56.9 60.1 126.2
2023/24 51.7 50.2 53.2 117.0

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View emergency hospital admissions for self-harm data.

View the emergency hospital admissions for self-harm definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: OHID, based on NHS England and Office for National Statistics data

The line chart shows the rate of emergency hospital admissions for intentional self-harm. The directly standardised rate in London decreased from 112.2 per 100,000 in the financial year ending 2011 to 51.7 per 100,000 in the financial year ending 2024.

Premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness

Persons, 18-74 years

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2015 - 17 87.1 85.5 88.7 90.7
2016 - 18 91.9 90.2 93.5 94.9
2017 - 19 95.5 93.8 97.2 97.8
2018 - 20 103.9 102.2 105.6 103.6
2019 - 21 108.3 106.6 110.1 108.0
2020 - 22 110.3 108.6 112.1 111.2
2021 - 23 106.6 104.9 108.3 110.8

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness data.

View the premature mortality in adults with severe mental illness definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: NHS England and Office for National Statistics

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from all causes for people with severe mental illness (referred to mental health services in the preceding 5 years) aged 18 to 74. The directly standardised rate in London increased from 87.1 per 100,000 in 2015 to 2017 to 106.6 per 100,000 in 2021 to 2023.

Suicide rate

Persons, 10+ years

Time period London Value 95% confidence interval lower limit 95% confidence interval upper limit England Value
2001 - 03 10.1 9.6 10.6 10.3
2002 - 04 10.0 9.5 10.5 10.2
2003 - 05 10.0 9.5 10.5 10.1
2004 - 06 9.7 9.2 10.1 9.8
2005 - 07 9.2 8.7 9.6 9.4
2006 - 08 8.8 8.4 9.2 9.2
2007 - 09 8.5 8.1 8.9 9.3
2008 - 10 8.5 8.1 8.9 9.4
2009 - 11 8.4 8.0 8.9 9.5
2010 - 12 8.4 8.0 8.8 9.5
2011 - 13 8.0 7.6 8.4 9.8
2012 - 14 7.8 7.4 8.2 10.0
2013 - 15 8.6 8.1 9.0 10.1
2014 - 16 8.7 8.2 9.1 9.9
2015 - 17 8.6 8.2 9.1 9.5
2016 - 18 8.1 7.7 8.5 9.6
2017 - 19 8.2 7.8 8.6 10.0
2018 - 20 8.0 7.6 8.4 10.3
2019 - 21 7.3 7.0 7.7 10.4
2020 - 22 6.9 6.6 7.3 10.3
2021 - 23 7.0 6.7 7.4 10.7

You can find more information about this indicator and related data on our Fingertips website. Fingertips is a data platform that contains a large range of indicators organised into topics, such as tobacco, mental health, and mortality.

View suicide rate data.

View the suicide rate definition.

Visit the mental health profile on Fingertips for more information on mental health and wellbeing.

Source: Office for National Statistics

The line chart shows the rate of deaths from suicide and injury of undetermined intent. The directly standardised rate in London decreased from 10.1 per 100,000 in 2001 to 2003 to 7.0 per 100,000 in 2021 to 2023.